Friday, June 27, 2008

I Have My Life Back!

Okay, as tacky as that may sound, I do have my life back. The baby and her older sister have now gone to live with their paternal grandparents. If I had any subconscious baby desire, I assure you that it has been completely eliminated. Not that I don't adore Birdie, she is uber cute...but I like my sleep!

That being said, I will be stopping by my favorite blogs again, and posting more. I'll also be finishing up the next Gerard the Gede story, which I have already started. I will post it when I complete it!

LIFE IS GOOD (and yes, I will be at the next Wed night writer's group)!

Just a quick note to give everyone a heart felt thanks for all their prayers and concern. It is nice to know that people out there can actually care about strangers that they have never met. THANK YOU ALL!

:) Terri


  1. Oh, it's so good to have you back, too! And for the record, my cousin was pretty bad off after the birth of her son years ago; she could not walk, talk, etc. Since then, she has almost completely recovered (some memory issues, but nothing major). I've kept you all in my prayers and will continue to do so.

  2. Welcome back, I missed you! Things always have ways of working themselves out in the end. It's the stuff in the middle we fret over to the point of losing our minds. You are a good woman for what you did to help. Not everyone would open their homes and take in two small children. And I understand the adoration of sleep...

    Can't wait for the next installment of Gerard the Gede. You've got us all hooked!



  3. Glad to have you back! Hopefully things get back to normal all around very soon.

    And man, I hear you-- all teenagers talking about having babies should be required to first live with one for a couple weeks at least. We went from wanting to have 10 kids to deciding that 2-3 was good enough. It's worse than a triathlon, though they both have their rewards.

  4. Hey there--glad to see that you're back & all is (getting) back to normal! I am so glad that the baby is doing so well!

  5. I popped on over from Half Past Kissin' Time and was met by a lovely piece of eye candy. You've already scored at least 10 points for that!

    Can't wait for a free moment to read your story (if it's up on your blog somewhere that is!)
