Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

It's finally arrived! The kids all have their costumes, candy has been purchased to hand out, and I have some exciting news to share before I head out for the evening.

First, I received an email today that my story came in first place for Kat Harris' ghost story contest. You can go here: to check it out. Very unexpected in a GOOD way!

My second bit of news is even MORE exciting, for me at least. I hadn't said anything, for fear of jinxing my chances, but I can't keep this to myself, at least today, of all days.

A while back, I submitted an application to join a local paranormal research group. It was a three page application, BTW. I don't think I've ever filled one out that was so detailed for a job, much less a volunteer position. They receive hundreds of applications, so my chances were slim at best. Then the email came...they wanted to interview me!

On Wednesday night, I donned my make-up (this is only done for VERY special occasions), my daughter straightened my hair...who knew it was so long??? I put on my best "casual" attire and drove to the meeting place. I was to be interviewed by six of the members. Nothing like walking into an inquisition!

Of course I talked WAY too much, not sure if it was nerves or just my lack of control over my own mouth. I thought it went well, but they explained that I was the first interview, and they had a few others scheduled. The position they needed to fill was for an investigator/researcher and someone to write articles for their monthly newsletter on urban legends and local folklore. HELLOOOOOOO, I write, it's what I do!!!!

I left the almost two hour long interview and tried NOT to get excited. It did go well, but it would be Friday before they would be letting me know anything, and even if they liked me, I would not be a member until I had gone on a few investigations. They want to see how potential members click with the group as a whole, and probably want to make sure that you wouldn't run screaming at the first sign of anything paranormal. After that, potential members are on a 90 day probationary period.

Let me interject something here. You may be thinking that this seems a bit extreme. It's not. This group has been on a national TV program (Ghost Hunters), they are regularly featured on a local news station here, host their own paranormal convention every summer, and have requests from homeowners and businesses to do research and investigations by the bucket load. It's a BIG deal.

Wednesday night, after I had been back home for about an hour, the call came...EARLY. They liked me!!!!! I will be going on two investigations, one in November and one in December, and I will find out by the end of the year whether I have earned a permanent position.

Told ya it was COOL stuff! Hope you all have a great Halloween, and I'm sure you haven't heard the last of my ghost stories!


  1. Wow, that's awesome! You're going places in this world, lady. Congratulations!

  2. Woot-woot! Awesome! :) Congrats!

  3. OMG!!!!!!I am SO happy for you! (jealous, but damn, damn happy!!!) The story thing is fab, too!!!

  4. Congrats on your story winning and on making the cut with the paranormal research group! You're just full of good news today! CONGRATS!! That's so awesome.

  5. conBOOtulations!


  6. That is so totally cool. Now I have a REAL resource! Congrats.

  7. VERY cool, Terri!! I'm so happy for you :) Happy ghost-hunting!

  8. Way cool. Congrats on everything - smiles!

  9. This IS exciting!!! :) So let me see, now we've got those five kids, your writing, critique group
    (or groups I think??), and now this. Yikes! Good luck with it all!
